
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

October 8, 2017

Android UCI engine update: SugaR Xpro.1.3.ACH

This version of SugaR has been lately tested and rated by CCRL in their 40/4 rating list, as a Stockfish version. After CCRL released SugaR as the topper of the list, the originality of the engine has immediately generated a lot of discussions in forums.

Some people still think SugaR differs enough from Stockfish code and some others defend that it's just a simple bunch of tweaks by Marco Zerbinati.

I think Stockfish main code is the only independent engine to keep following. But my thoughts won't  keep me from sharing what's available.

Alexei Chernakoff deserves here our appreciations for bringing both arm7 and arm8 builds to Android.

GET SugaR XPro1.3.ACH

In case of trouble downloading from your PC, use your mobile device or refer to THIS POST.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Arm8 version doesn't work on my devices