November 6, 2016

Video: Why Humans will have fewer and fewer chances against Chess Computers?

A beautiful case to show us how unlikely it is for humans to find the winning move in such not very (or extremely) complex position where a modern chess engine like Stockfish knows how to crush the opponent.

Watch: HERE

If you want to see how long it takes for your engine to find Rc6!!! you may use two links below to load the position on your GUI:
1) Insert FEN string: r4rk1/1b1p2pp/1p1b3q/pP1P1p2/8/P2Q1BP1/1BR2P1P/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
2) Import PGN file: HERE


  1. Thanks, interesting material, Nakamura couldn't beat Stockfish 6, with the small help from Rybka 2.3. LOL, who will challenge Stockfish 8 or Komodo 10.2??

  2. Update C4a, new chess graphics!

  3. Gurcan, have you tried new Cfish arm8 from Aprijal? It's not working on my 64bit tablet, again :(

    1. Yes, no pb for me here. I've just done another 1 minute test on MTK6752: 2414 knps. This fish is the fastest ever.

  4. Hello Gurcan!
    Update for Komodo on the playstore ( komodo10.2)
