
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

February 17, 2015

New Android UCI engine: Doch 1.3.4.JA

If you've never heard of Doch before, just nevermind. It's just the elder brother of Komodo which is currently the strongest of all engines on Windows, especially on 8 cores and beyond.

Regarding Android, we already know Komodo is not ahead of Stockfish yet, for reasons i'm not deeply interested to discover. If Komodo is not #1 on Android, it's always the most disturbing threat.

After too much talk of Komodo, i rather get back on track to tell Doch is also written by the three well known musqueeters of chess history, of which Don Dailey is not with us anymore. But two others, Larry Kaufman and Mark Lefler are still working hard to overcome the Stockfish empire.

Dock 1.3.4 is rated 2848 on CCRL. I assume the Android port by Jim Ablett would be around 2650.
Komodo lovers may complete their lizard collection: HERE

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