I've never been far from you. I've been reading every comment and all your shares all the time.
Indeed i'm late recovering from the hiatus of the blog. But note that i'll be coming back very soon. I'm alive and kicking!
Keep up following.
The return will be good enough for you to forgive the long lasting silence.
Best wishes to all.
1 – 200 of 277 Newer› Newest»Yeah!!
See you soon
Welcome again, Gurcan, I hope see u asap.
Thats great news Gurcan! See you soon...
Yohooo.. ive been waiting for you all this time.. its been a long time and i did always visit this site without new updates.
Great news!!! I am also a diehard fans of chesstroid!!!
Hi gurcan comeback as soon as possible. Great job
And dont forget to come alone,bring alexei with you too.
i feel relief that u r good
being happy😊😊😊
Finally you're back Gurcan!I'm very happy that this wonderful blog is still alive:-)
Hey guys danasah freezing in hawk chess app during tournaments. Do you have same issue with engine?
Sorry dont use hawk chess karim. Is hawk chess better than chess for android for tournaments?
we loves you never forget
Hey LRall, I think yes , there is lots of features in hawk chess, if u need it, let me take a backup of hawk chess and share it with you, only to emails , not here...
Add more chess engines
most engines wont work in hawk chess thats why its not good to use it
i recommend using acid ape chess which is free ,looks stylish n it has everything into 1 app
use chess tournament app for tournament
then analyze it in any other gui
Which engine you think not working in hawk chess ah? May be your phone,s architecture is 64bit
I use hawk chess as well more than the acid ape chess. Aced ape chess have more features but hawk chess is smoother when engine move pieces. Hawk chess can read lot of enginess depending on processor of smartphones.
Don't know why acid ape is so heavy. Every time I have installed it . and I will never agree that acid ape has more features than hawk chess. I have checked it myself.
Mr Joe no, acid ape intact can reads more engines cause it supports xb engines too
Hi Karim,I tried running DanaSah in hawk chess and it hangs in my phone too.It happens with Hawkeye 1.03 AP also.Have you managed to extract the Hawk engine and the built-in opening book?
Hi paulzz, I remember once I could extract it successfully with my tablet, now with this phone I face failure, I think its because of the backups of my apps..
I even can't use komodo 12 binary, everything I lost..
Guys im sharing a version of CiChess from late 2017 that i consider my best analysis engine.
This engine-if you tick tactical ON or Tactical+Wide Search will find the best move in this 2006 position between Karjakin and Anand almost immediately with 1 core.No other engine i have can find Nc7 - even with multiple cores selected it seems very difficult.Tactical on plays about same strength as default.Wide Search
weakens the playing strength of engine BUT is excellent for analysis.I hope some of you appreciate it as much as i do..and thanks again to Alexei!
The position is below:
q3nrk1/4bppp/3p4/r3nPP1/4P2P/NpQ1B3/1P4B1/1K1R3R b - - 0 1
i have tried extracting almost every chess app but without success
hawk chess cannot be extracted and also komodo 12 and chiron need its apk to work properly
Yes lazar i have tried to analyze with all chess engine , tactical mode really change its play
Yes tactical mode is very interesting.Chysiddh,thanks for sharing all the pics as they highlight the difficulty of the position i posted and how all the different engines evaluate it!
but cichess 2.6 doesnt have tactical options
No. That particular version of CiChess- 20171107- has extended UCI options which includes Tactical and Wide Search options.Standard current CiChess doesnt have these.There were a couple more compilations from late 2017 but the one i shared is the best in finding key Tactical moves in complex positions.The tactical option is powerful and fun..
Cheese 2.0
Thanks chysiddh for cheese engine sharing. BTW me just again installed acid ape, I'm not familiar yet how copy paste the given position by LRall to acid ape, please help and also how start a tournament. Thanks in advance..
CiChess 2.5 280818 has all the extended options.
I don't know if CiChess 2.5 280818 was posted here already, it's the latest CiChess that has all the extended options (version 2.6 don't have it) -
i played few games with tactical on it plays vry weak with others engine
i think its only helpful with Human
karim share ur email i will msg u
copy full position
q3nrk1/4bppp/3p4/r3nPP1/4P2P/NpQ1B3/1P4B1/1K1R3R b - - 0 1
then in position options
there is paste fen from clipboard.
its doesnt have engine tournament but it has engine duals which is helpful
i use to play 1 Min with 2 sec increments for faster gameplay
Thanks raff. Good find with that CiChess with the ext was probably posted but i probably didnt download it lol. Nice!
Guys my pc is out of action.Upgrading in Jan 19. This is the PC version of Cichess 2.5.If someone has time can they confirm this pc version has same extended options as Android version posted by its same program? Thanks
Chysiddh..thanks for letting us know about cheese.I like it as an engine.You can now reduce speed with nodes per second limits..very nice!
BTW this is the link to full 2006 game between Karjakin and Anand:
Let me check it with my old laptop,but which GUI? I have a portable version of arena chess software, but not much familiar, you can instruct me if you want.
Hi, good new here!!! Wasp for android.
Wow..amazing news for Wasp.Karim thanks anyway..its not a big deal.ill wait for a month and check it out myself :-)
When Komodo 12 will be released on android?
Joe you can download it from play store. But you have to pay for it.
Rahul..i cant download Wasp from zippyshare..too many ads and no download happening.Can someone please share via mediafire or something else?
Yeah but thats Komodo 11 right. O dont see komodo 12.Am i missing something?
Yes!We have Wasp engine for android finally.Thank you Rahul!To LRall and others who have trouble with zippyshare here's the mediafire link for Wasp:
Thank you too chyssidh for informing us about Cheese 2.0 which comes with an updated bin book too...
No no, you are absolutely right. I saw komodo 12 on it's official website. Yet not available in playstore
Thanks for the link to wasp Paulzzz.Works great! Is it arm 7 or 8? Im thinking its arm7
I just realised that Wasp binary is in fact the raspbery pi binary. Whole download package is here.Scroll down to December 14th 2018 download:
Rahul jee, many many thanks for sharing wasp engine.
So did rahul share with us Linux binary of wasp engine which fortunely working in android too..right?
@Friend Karim,
it doesn't matter it has Linux binary or anything else, matter is that it is working in android and enjoy it!!
Yea lol. thanks again,keep sharing.
@LRall the Wasp engine works well in my marshmallow and even in my old jellybean device!Thanks too for sharing the link for the full package.
@Rahul great find friend!
@karim yeah!
thanks rahul for sharing wasp.
is it wasp linux binary only or other chess engine linux binary which should work in android ?
i m excited to use it but in oreo it is not working probably i should downgrade my mobile coz i m missing alot of chess engine
Naugat most of them works.
very good news!
What is the rating of the engine wasp?
@joe u can search in google
CCRL Rating
wasp 3 3064
Hi all, how to know your chess playing strength? Sometime I win from 2100 rating player and sometime I can't beat 1400 player in a pool game of 5minute.
@karim i can tell u only like beginners
human rating doesnt matter
in some games they might be disturb by others or they tried something new
same like with chess engine
sometime lesser rank chess engine beat highest level chess engine
i m sharing my games where i manage to draw hahaha
Wasp 3.50 fix2 released
Chysiddh many many thanks for wasp fix and your suggestion.. BTW I forgot to type I was talking about my ICC chess account, there it happens to me, that's why I can't tell about my playing strength..
I think it is already shared by Rahul. After downloading wasp engine I saw no difference comparing it to rahul's one
I think it is already shared by Rahul. After downloading wasp engine I saw no difference comparing it to rahul's one
from it homepage wasp
New for the "fix2" file:
10. bench.bat
11. Wasp_book_news.txt
12. wasp.opn
The file "wasp.opn" is an opening book for Wasp, and the file "Wasp_book_notes.txt" describes how to use a Wasp opening book and how to create a new one from a PGN file
i think only opening book is new.
Can you make use of wasp.opn in android with help of any GUI? Or is it only for windows usage?
Well, good to see u all again :v
Hi aprijal,would you instruct me how compile an android chess engine, I will appreciate it.
actually i m extremely happy to see u Aprijal
ur welcome, I appreciate your works
thanks alot😊😊😊
Hi great!! Aprijal is back!!
It's Christmas gift!!
Marry Christmas!
We cannot just compile it, we need to modified some code for android
It's not that easy. I tried and failed. It's not an 1-2 easy instructions, every engine will need different approach to compile it for Android.
Good to hear you again, Aprijal
Hi à prijal ,
If you can Tal engine by outhor of rodent is good one to compile , Tal style, for man games
You mean OpenTal? Yeah, I wait for it too since a year ago :)
hello Aprijal !
Hi aprijal, welcome..
HI raff1st1
Yes ,I mean OpenTal , I Wait for It too.
We hope aprijal will do this job,
this site has chess engine Bullucks for a binary for the ARM processor
is it for android ?
Doesn't work on my device.
Nor in my device, its not android version I think.
From the changelog seems the latest version is from 2003, there was no Android back then ;)
Aprijal, I heard about the tragedy in Indonesia, which occurred because of the volcano, I hope everything is fine with you.
Hey Alex , can you play tournament with limited moves. Say it 20moves. So all tournament finishes 20moves. Using CFA GUI?
@karim ullah - You mean that, both engines will resign after they play 10 moves each (20 in total)? Nope.. What's the point?
Not resign, after 40 moves total,both strong engines draw and stop.
Cfish 10 here!!!
thanks rahul
i want to see ur all tournament results
can u send me screenshot n pgn of it ?
Hi chysiddh,
u can search "fuddur", this is my user name and you can see my tournament results on mzforum.
okay rahul
Hi guys, can someone tell me how to use syzygy table in tournament with CFA GUI, and where can I download it from? If anyone can share it...
@karim - No, it's not possible. If CFA had an option "max moves" 40, in this case, yes it could work.
@karim - syzygy 3-4-5 pieces here
Total size 938 mb. Create folder with name "syzygy" on your device memory or SD card, put all the files in this folder, keep only "checksum.md5" file from syzygy 5 pieces.
In Cfa, when you import engine eg Stockfish, in the last parameter of the engine, write the path to syzygy TB, eg /storage/SD/syzygy - done.
My personal opinion (based on my experience with syzygy), i wouldn't suggest you to use sTB in tournaments because engines spending time searching for positions in TB, and some times they lose by time, or start to play badly.
Syzygy are good for analysis or games with long time control.
@Alex thanks alot,your suggestion is really very valuable, I promise I will be active on it,and the 7men tablebase is even more than 10 terabytes heavier...
And can you tell how to test opening books, which one is stronger?
Very easy /storage/emulated/0/DroidFish/syzygy
With Fritz 16 gui
Plss share update chess engines android
Frits gui for PC or android? @ pavel
I hope everybody is fine now.
yes i m fine. gud to see u karim
Godel chess
but it dates back to 2014
i hope u already have it
For Fritz android and Fritz gui
Thanks for reply and sharing Gödel chess engine. But unfortunately none of arm working in my device..
Hey chysiddh, the zip file of rodent chess engine has a subdirectory called personalities, how to set it with any chess GUI. Ex hawk-chess .. Analyze your chess. Analyze this propro. And so on
@Karim i wish i could help u.
ask for the developer of that app.
email u can find in google play
in that app description.
for the
Dark Knight is an Android chess application
which works in my device os 7.0
Working also in my device OS 4.2
But how set opening book and engines? I think the built in engine is jin
@karim i see no setting to put any uci engine into it and also opening book path i cannot find.
i have share this becoz it is not in playstore and it is based on droidfish
it will be better if i find tournament setting in it.
But dark knight is also on GooglePlay as an app right? I have it on my mobile for over 2 years now. Ive found it has a battery drain effect on my mobile so i dont use it that much preferring Droidfish. Dark knight uses an older stockfish engine from what i know
i have seen it just now
thanks for ur suggestions LRall
Plz don't get angry anyone, I also faced battery draining issue with droidfish.
That sounds strange karim.ive never had a battery drain issue with droidfish. I mean it does drain your battery as chess engines are CPU intensive but it has all seemed normal and expected.With Dark Knight
the battery drains just having the app open without having the chess engine calculating
I say true, it was about a year ago, I don't know if they have fixed the issue. And the new update of analyze your chess app has a bug, means it it picks up the engines but won't start. I also reported it to lucin musca...
i have downloaded n use every chess gui for pc
i found lucas chess to be vry useful
previously i use arena
which one is better guys ?
@chysiddh14 - For engine tournaments, the best GUIs are CuteChess and Arena (also commercial Shredder 12 or 13).
thanks dude
CT800 V1.33 update
thanks for its author for incuding android binary
Hi Gurcan, eagerly waiting for your news, after five weeks since your last post.
I m also remembering good old days of chessdroid
i wish to see new rapiddroid ratings as many chess engine are added n updated also.
Raubfisch updated arm8
Latest Cfish
2019 and this gurcan still sleep
Thank you Rahul for sharing the latest Cfish!Hello Pavel do you have the link for Raubfisch for android?
No just I asked
Yes Gurcan sleep very well 😂 😂 maybe don't interested this pages 📄 😂 leave us 😂
😂 🤣
Hello Gurcan
i search for ur email but i couldnot find it.
sorry but i have to say it
dont mind
ur effort n ur works is valueable. this site is so much valuable for android chess lover
its a request
how about hand over to the new 1 who would update this site regularly like alex alexei rahul lazor
so that this blog keep going.
Ethereal 11.25
Thanks chysiddh...
But i cant download it. It requires a signup.
Karim No it doesnt require signup
if ur in mobile use chrome
use desktop site from chrome menu
it will show different binary
for mobile
its has armv7 and armv8
which works perfectly in any gui
Chysiddh,i think its asking a lot from Gurcan to alow others to manage his blog. He built this blog and im sure it was always intended as a fun hobby/sideshow for him without
advertising revenue etc. Also what makes you think others like Alex ,Alexei or Rahul would have any free time to spare to
run this blog anymore than Gurcan does. Of course i understand your point of view but still i think its not as easy or simple to hand over administration rights as you think.Hooefully Gurcan will be active in the near future :-)
Thanks again chysiddh I managed it
Is there any other blogsites that we can enjoy chess engines?
Guys,there is new Chess engines available for Android:Pulsar Chess and Deep Chess.They are available in Google Play store.
@LRall thanks for ur reply
i know its vry hard to trust any1 n my words r vry hard to take into actions.
i m thinking just for alternative coz in many sites chesstroid link can be found
n i hope this blog must continue.....
mzchessforum go to mobile device chess software
chess4android blogspot which is inactive now
Pulsar engine 2000elo. How come the author claims of Gm like stronger? Anyway it's soft sound is really impressive.
The engine that I extracted from pulsar doesn't work in any GUI.
no it doesnt work karim
Deuterium v2019.1 released
android version works well in my device
Thanks chysiddh
Thank you chyssidh,Im surprised to see Deuterium engine got updated.
Anyone of you has bought komodo 12.3 can message me..
I need build raubfish but I don't know cod 😔
ShashChess 6.0
Thanks chysiddh.
Chysiddh, How to search for new engines in talkchess forum? No signup lol
go to general topic and view page 1 by 1
above there is search button search including name
but to know if android verion is there or not u have to download new chess engine
Hi our good friend Karim,I've found this pgn file(an opening testsuite by J.Noomen)which seems interesting.May I kindly ask if you can convert it in bin format book?Thank you very much!Here's the link:
Thanks chysiddh14 for sharing the link:)
Hi paul… of course my friend, this is the easiest job for me that i can, but unfortunately my old laptop needs repairing, i promise i will convert it as soon as possible..
@paulzzz i hope this will help u
Hello pals, if anyone here got new information about updated chess engine, especially cfish, please share... thank you...
Thanks Karim,it's Ok take your time:)
It keeps terminating at the end on my phone in droidfish
SlashChess 6.1.3:
Thanks archimedes. For sharing shashchess
Hi paul. My old laptop could not be repaired…using someone else pc i finally managed to polyglot conversion, cause i had promised you, i hope it was converted correctly. Btw this pgn had lots of duplicated positions so i added it to zip file.
P. S. . next time you request a book you must to send me a new laptop lol..
thank u karim
i only wish u get new laptop 😂😂😂
Laser 1.7
ARMv8 for 64-bit Android phones
use chrome and use desktop site from chrome menu to view different binary
Hey chysiddh thanks for sharing laser chess engine. Finally they activated my account on chessforum
Acid ape chess
after extracting
Arasan 21.2 can be used in any gui it is latest
cheng works but it is not updated
scorpio doesnt support in other gui
@Karim,thank you very much for the books it will surely benefit visitors of this blog who are studying openings.I hope you have a new laptop.@chyssidh thanks for sharing the link for the latest version of laser engine.It's my birthday guys,so it's nice gifts:)Btw guys,may I ask how to extract the engine from Fritz 15 app?Is the built-in opening book the same with the Fritz15.bin shared by Alex before here?
@Paulzzz happy birthday to u my friend , have great day ahead.
-first backup
-use winrar to extract the apk
go to the folder where extracted file is
-look folder for lib
there u can find different folder
-acc to the architecture of ur phone choose 1
( like my device is arm7 , i go to arm7 folder)
-then copy n paste into ur desired uci folder
checkit with ur chess gui
-if it runs properly hurray
-if not try with another
-if both runs
use chess tournament apk make a tournament n keep which is stronger
email me if u hav problem
Happy birthday Paul to you paul...
Gurcan, please , two months today since your last words.
Excuse me, but I wish to ask you a question : what is your concept of " coming back very soon "?. I don´t know your personal situation, but please come back asap, as we all miss you.
Hi guys here is my repository (Lol) download what I have missed to share to you
thanks for ur effort
Thank you very much Karim and chysiddh14 for sharing and assistance!
Very kind to give us the link to your depository Karim. Thank you!
ShashChess 6.2.4
Thanks chysiddh
Hello this blog still being read? very quiet here the last 3 weeks..:-)
Still better than mzchess forum… you know what happens now there… most links are zippyshare. Most books are pdf. And now someone posted richest sold car ever about 19 millions of US Dollars called bugatti.. lol
Смотрим и надеямся.
Hi guys this bin format book is based from the latest Sedat tournament:
thanks for sharing paulzz. Btw i wanna know which gui do you use for checking bin books. And i have some fchess files db formats dont know which android gui can views and reads
Gogobello 2.0 64-bit
I need arm7 for laser chess engine and for gogobello
Pedone 1.9
it gets android version armv7 n armv8
ask for their author respectively 😊😊😊
Chysiddh thanks for share and sugession
Latest SF pls.
Hi Karim,I use CEPA and DF as GUI's to check bin books in android,thanks for sharing chysiddh...
Hi Paul. Thanks for reply.I searched whole playstore and Google failed to find pgn merger, if you know one reply. I wanna merge lots pgns using android..
Hi Karim,I didn't know any app that could merge pgn files(a good idea) in android but I think Mr.Javier Fdez knows a way here's his email hope he could help...
Thanks Paul for reply, In windows there were a lot softwares which could easily done the job, even I was able to combine them using notepad++ but the same notepad++ isn't able to load a lil heavy pgn file, I was in the plan to prepare for chesstroid user a fresh TWIC database both in pgn and acid formats, I think every chess programmer know the trick to embedd the option to combine or merge pgns together, I think
its very easy for them but no one yet requested them do so ..thanks again paul
Scid format
use chess for all apk for editing viewing pgn files but i dont think it will merge it .
Yes chysiddh, I need pgn merger for android ( the scid for go) GUI can convert pgn to scid format and scid to pgn format, I wish if it'd had an option of multi-acceptor of many pgn files so then we could export it into one big pgn file..
Latest SF pls.
I finally found how to combine pgn files using guys I'm ready with 1,055,284 games all TWIC from 920 up to 1269 into one database acid format..but I haven't yet uploaded it to my mediafire account, so I'm waiting for gurcan's new post..good luck
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