
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

June 26, 2014

Blitzoid chess engine ratings for Android: RHETORIC 1.4 ADDED!

After the introduction of Rhetoric 1.4, there are 92 engines rated in the list.

Last week, Rhetoric had performed 2176 ELO using bullet time control of 1 sec/move and the result was shared in a previous post. At 5 sec/move, the rating jumped to 2255. Well, +79 is something not negligeable but i assume it's within scientific tolerances bearing in mind:
* Rhetoric benefits from more time better than other engines, no direct proof, just one of the possibilities.
* Bullet test was practiced against 10 opponents only. In blitzoid, it had 31 various opponents. Then, variety matters.
* Bullet test was played from 10 selected Silver suite positions. Blitzoid used first 14 of 50, following the standard of the project. Therefore, openings may influence as well.

Experience tells it's useless to try to meet the exact expectation in every result. Instead it's better to increase variety and number of samples. This means i'm done with 3 new engines added in june and the rounds must continue now.

It's a long way to the end of the Silver suite with a lot of engines...


Ra  Name                     Elo   +   -  Gam  Sco  Oppo  Dra
 1  Stockfish 5             3010  41  39  250  78%  2797  31%
 2  Stockfish DD            2976  38  37  250  75%  2797  38%
 3  Stockfish 3             2896  35  34  278  59%  2827  37%
 4  Stockfish 4             2895  34  33  278  60%  2827  46%
 5  Stockfish 2.3.1         2868  34  33  276  56%  2817  45%
 6  Critter 1.4             2856  34  34  276  55%  2819  41%
 7  Critter 1.6a            2854  34  34  276  55%  2817  42%
 8  BlackMamba 2.0          2787  39  39  262  66%  2635  32%
 9  Critter 1.2             2782  37  37  272  57%  2714  33%
10  Stockfish 2.0           2778  36  36  274  51%  2764  31%
11  RobboLito 0.085e4l      2720  36  37  264  44%  2754  35%
12  Komodo32 2.03 JA        2698  37  37  270  45%  2732  30%
13  RobboLito 0.085g3l      2680  37  37  262  54%  2641  32%
14  Senpai 1.0              2667  37  37  266  42%  2722  30%
15  Komodo32 3 AB           2663  38  38  262  47%  2676  27%
16  Texel 1.04 32-bit       2611  41  40  248  54%  2574  21%
17  Gaviota v1.0            2578  37  37  262  56%  2529  30%
18  Komodo32 1.3 JA         2575  38  39  262  44%  2622  27%
19  Texel 1.03              2561  40  41  248  48%  2574  22%
20  Toga II 3.0             2498  38  38  264  50%  2506  24%
21  IvanHoe 9.46b           2497  39  39  256  55%  2457  23%
22  Arasan 15.2 JA          2422  39  39  256  51%  2419  20%
23  Gaviota v0.86           2406  39  39  252  48%  2432  23%
24  Toga II 1.4.1SE         2387  38  38  260  42%  2455  25%
25  Toga II 2.0 JA          2376  38  38  256  49%  2394  26%
26  DiscoCheck 3.7.1        2366  38  38  256  47%  2392  24%
27  Texel 1.01 32-bit       2354  38  38  264  44%  2407  24%
28  Arasan 13.4             2330  37  37  254  49%  2343  26%
29  DiscoCheck 4.0.1        2294  37  37  258  47%  2319  27%
30  Arasan 14.0.1           2292  37  37  260  44%  2337  27%
31  Crafty_23.4.JA_xb       2284  37  37  256  51%  2284  23%
32  GNU Chess 5.50-32       2281  37  37  256  47%  2307  29%
33  gaviota v0.84           2265  38  38  252  53%  2252  24%
34  Rhetoric 1.4 Android    2255  39  39  224  49%  2264  28%
35  Crafty_23.5.JA_xb       2249  38  39  256  45%  2301  20%
36  Alfil 12.10 w32         2244  38  38  250  51%  2237  24%
37  RedQueen 1.1.3 TCEC     2244  40  40  254  43%  2310  18%
38  Rodent 1.00             2242  37  37  248  53%  2219  31%
39  RedQueen 1.1.2          2241  38  38  258  45%  2288  21%
40  Rodent 0.18.0           2213  37  37  248  55%  2172  30%
41  Rotor 0.7a              2209  36  37  254  48%  2224  29%
42  cheng3 1.07 JA          2184  38  38  248  49%  2194  20%
43  Rotor 0.8               2172  38  38  246  48%  2187  24%
44  GarboChess 3            2170  38  38  250  56%  2126  23%
45  Daydreamer 1.75 JA      2163  37  37  252  49%  2170  28%
46  Scorpio_2.7.JA_xb       2160  38  38  248  50%  2159  23%
47  gaviota v0.83           2142  38  38  246  47%  2164  22%
48  Sloppy_0.23.JA_xb       2126  37  37  248  48%  2143  26%
49  Pepito v1.59            2089  39  39  244  49%  2097  21%
50  Danasah_4.88.JA_xb      2073  37  38  246  47%  2093  26%
51  GNU Chess 6.0.2         2066  37  37  244  48%  2074  29%
52  DanasahZ_0.4.JA_xb      2064  38  38  242  49%  2073  26%
53  Tucano_1.04.AB_xb       2060  39  39  244  50%  2059  19%
54  DoubleCheck 2.7         2057  39  39  244  51%  2047  16%
55  DoubleCheck 2.6 JA      2057  39  39  244  50%  2060  18%
56  Danasah_5.06.JA_xb      2027  39  38  240  55%  1981  27%
57  Danasah_4.66.JA_xb      2011  39  39  242  52%  1990  21%
58  Typhoon_1.0.r358.JA_xb  2005  39  39  244  51%  1995  19%
59  BetsabeII_1.30.JA_xb    2005  39  39  244  51%  1994  16%
60  Diablo 0.5.1b JA        1985  38  38  244  52%  1965  25%
61  Olithink_5.3.2.JA_xb    1979  40  40  244  56%  1935  16%
62  Greko_8.2_uci           1965  38  38  240  54%  1939  27%
63  GreKo_9.8.AB_uci        1961  38  38  244  49%  1963  24%
64  GreKo_9.0.JA_uci        1954  39  38  244  53%  1927  20%
65  GreKo_10.0.JA_xb        1940  38  38  244  51%  1931  23%
66  Phalanx_XXIII.JA_xb     1938  40  41  244  46%  1968  13%
67  Sungorus 1.4 JA         1892  40  41  244  49%  1897  16%
68  BetsabeII_1.22.JA_xb    1863  41  41  240  56%  1803  13%
69  TJchess 1.1U            1847  40  40  244  51%  1822  23%
70  Myrddin_0.86.JA_xb      1835  40  40  244  53%  1804  16%
71  Natwarlal_0.14.JA_xb    1812  41  41  244  51%  1795  12%
72  DoubleCheck 2.3         1811  41  41  244  50%  1799  15%
73  KmtChess_1.21.JA_xb     1809  40  40  244  49%  1810  19%
74  Jazz 6.40 JA            1785  40  41  244  46%  1808  20%
75  Scidlet_2.61b2.JA_xb    1753  41  41  244  49%  1753  16%
76  Jazz v444 JA            1740  40  41  244  49%  1743  21%
77  Jazz v5.01 JA           1719  41  41  244  53%  1696  20%
78  Sjeng_1.12.JA_xb        1599  43  43  242  52%  1573  11%
79  BikJump v1.8            1570  42  42  242  51%  1553  14%
80  AdroitChess0.4 JA       1541  44  44  238  48%  1551  11%
81  Leonidas_r83.JA_xb      1502  43  43  238  49%  1502  19%
82  AdroitChess 0.3         1493  45  45  234  49%  1486  15%
83  ZCT-0.3.2500            1480  46  47  232  51%  1456   9%
84  BikJump v2.1P           1470  45  45  234  47%  1486  14%
85  Sjaak_4.68.JA_xb        1465  47  47  228  59%  1352  11%
86  Tscp_1.8.1.AB_xb        1363  47  47  228  48%  1365  11%
87  Zzzzzz_3.5.1.JA_xb      1339  45  46  226  50%  1332  18%
88  Rocinante 2.0 JA        1278  47  47  222  49%  1280  10%
89  VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.4     1135  48  49  218  38%  1243  11%
90  VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.1     1132  48  49  218  37%  1243  11%
91  Chess for Android        974  53  57  218  21%  1264   9%
92  Simplex 0.9.8            797  67  59  218   9%  1286   2%

Blitzoid test platform:
* Samsung Galaxy Note II @ 1.6 Ghz without downscaling
* 64MB hash tables where selectable
* 4 cpu threads where selectable
* Own books disabled and replaced by Silver Opening Suite positions (14 of 50 played so far)
* Opening positions played twice with different colors
* Tablebases and ponder off
* GUI: Aart Bik's Chess for Android
* Time control: 5 sec/move

June 22, 2014

New UCI engine for Android: Rhetoric 1.4

The new version 1.4 of Rhetoric UCI engine, as reported here in a comment (thanks again for the tip), included an Android compile. As i don't wanna miss anything working under Android, i've downloaded the package from HERE and have tested the compile under two GUI's i'm using.

Rhetoric 1.4 works flawlessly under Droidfish and also under Chess for Android. I must admit the compatibility looked perfect. I can only expect multi processing for 100-150 elo more strength.
Given the compile is working in tournament mode as well without problems, there's no reason to exclude Rhetoric from my Blitzoid ranking. At 5 sec/move, around 180 games will take some time. Therefore, i wanted to experiment a quicker evaluation using bullet conditions and results came out as shown below. Thanks and congrats go to the author Alberto Sanjuan.

June 18, 2014

Blitzoid chess engine ratings for Android: TEXEL 1.04 ADDED!

One fair method to compare an engine update vs previous version is to make it play exactly the same games, when this doesn't require thousands of games and very long time.

This had worked well with Stockfish 5 vs Stockfisd DD recently. So, i managed the same process with Texel v1.04 to compare it to Texel v1.03.

Once again, it seemed to be highly efficient.

After 248 games against the same opponents as Texel 1.03, the new version has performed +49 ELO better, reaching 2609 and overtaking Gaviota 1.0 to become #7 among strongest Android chess engines available.

Another usual tendency that was confirmed once again, is that the ELO improvement measured against other engines is lower than the one measured against the previous version of the same engine. That was exactly the same case with Stockfish.

With Texel 1.04 added, we have now 91 engines in Blitzoid ranking. I will be probably adding Discocheck 4.3 to the next release. I'd previously disqualified that version due to engine disconnection problems arising but it may be that my cpu settings at that time caused the error. To follow...

Ra  Name                     Elo   +   -  Gam  Sco  Oppo  Dra
 1  Stockfish 5             3008  41  39  250  78%  2796  31%
 2  Stockfish DD            2974  38  37  250  75%  2796  38%
 3  Stockfish 3             2894  34  34  278  59%  2825  37%
 4  Stockfish 4             2893  34  33  278  60%  2825  46%
 5  Stockfish 2.3.1         2866  34  33  276  56%  2815  45%
 6  Critter 1.4             2854  34  34  276  55%  2817  41%
 7  Critter 1.6a            2852  34  34  276  55%  2815  42%
 8  BlackMamba 2.0          2785  39  39  262  66%  2633  32%
 9  Critter 1.2             2780  37  37  272  57%  2712  33%
10  Stockfish 2.0           2777  36  36  274  51%  2762  31%
11  RobboLito 0.085e4l      2718  36  37  264  44%  2752  35%
12  Komodo32 2.03 JA        2696  37  37  270  45%  2730  30%
13  RobboLito 0.085g3l      2678  37  37  262  54%  2639  32%
14  Senpai 1.0              2665  37  37  266  42%  2720  30%
15  Komodo32 3 AB           2661  37  38  262  47%  2675  27%
16  Texel 1.04              2609  41  40  248  54%  2572  21%
17  Gaviota v1.0            2577  37  37  262  56%  2527  30%
18  Komodo32 1.3 JA         2573  38  39  262  44%  2620  27%
19  Texel 1.03              2560  40  41  248  48%  2572  22%
20  Toga II 3.0             2495  38  38  262  50%  2507  24%
21  IvanHoe 9.46b           2493  40  39  252  54%  2459  23%
22  Arasan 15.2 JA          2422  39  39  252  51%  2421  20%
23  Gaviota v0.86           2407  40  40  248  48%  2434  23%
24  Toga II 1.4.1SE         2384  38  39  254  42%  2458  26%
25  Toga II 2.0 JA          2374  38  38  246  48%  2399  26%
26  DiscoCheck 3.7.1        2366  38  38  252  47%  2394  23%
27  Texel 1.01              2346  38  38  256  43%  2412  24%
28  Arasan 13.4             2331  38  38  246  49%  2345  25%
29  DiscoCheck 4.0.1        2298  38  38  246  47%  2321  28%
30  Arasan 14.0.1           2297  38  38  248  45%  2340  26%
31  Crafty_23.4.JA_xb       2280  38  38  244  50%  2286  24%
32  GNU Chess 5.50-32       2278  38  38  242  46%  2309  29%
33  gaviota v0.84           2269  39  38  242  53%  2252  23%
34  RedQueen 1.1.3 TCEC JA  2252  40  41  246  43%  2312  18%
35  Crafty_23.5.JA_xb       2244  39  40  244  44%  2303  20%
36  Rodent 1.00             2243  38  38  242  53%  2219  30%
37  RedQueen 1.1.2          2242  39  39  244  45%  2290  20%
38  Alfil 12.10 w32         2238  38  38  240  51%  2237  24%
39  Rodent 0.18.0           2216  37  37  244  56%  2171  30%
40  Rotor 0.7a              2206  37  37  242  48%  2223  29%
41  cheng3 1.07 JA          2183  39  39  242  49%  2193  19%
42  Rotor 0.8               2177  38  38  240  49%  2186  25%
43  GarboChess 3            2168  39  38  244  56%  2124  23%
44  Daydreamer 1.75 JA      2164  38  38  242  49%  2167  28%
45  Scorpio_2.7.JA_xb       2160  38  38  242  50%  2158  24%
46  gaviota v0.83           2148  39  39  242  48%  2164  22%
47  Sloppy_0.23.JA_xb       2130  37  38  244  48%  2143  26%
48  Pepito v1.59            2091  39  39  244  49%  2098  21%
49  Danasah_4.88.JA_xb      2075  38  38  244  47%  2093  25%
50  GNU Chess 6.0.2         2068  37  37  244  48%  2075  29%
51  DanasahZ_0.4.JA_xb      2066  38  38  240  49%  2074  26%
52  Tucano_1.04.AB_xb       2061  39  39  244  50%  2061  19%
53  DoubleCheck 2.7         2059  39  39  244  51%  2048  16%
54  DoubleCheck 2.6 JA      2059  39  39  244  50%  2062  18%
55  Danasah_5.06.JA_xb      2029  39  38  240  55%  1983  27%
56  Danasah_4.66.JA_xb      2015  39  39  240  53%  1990  21%
57  Typhoon_1.0.r358.JA_xb  2007  39  39  244  51%  1996  19%
58  BetsabeII_1.30.JA_xb    2006  39  39  244  51%  1995  16%
59  Diablo 0.5.1b JA        1987  38  38  244  52%  1967  25%
60  Olithink_5.3.2.JA_xb    1981  40  40  244  56%  1937  16%
61  Greko_8.2_uci           1967  38  38  240  54%  1941  27%
62  GreKo_9.8.AB_uci        1963  38  38  244  49%  1965  24%
63  GreKo_9.0.JA_uci        1956  39  38  244  53%  1929  20%
64  GreKo_10.0.JA_xb        1942  38  38  244  51%  1933  23%
65  Phalanx_XXIII.JA_xb     1940  40  41  244  46%  1970  13%
66  Sungorus 1.4 JA         1894  40  41  244  49%  1899  16%
67  BetsabeII_1.22.JA_xb    1865  41  41  240  56%  1805  13%
68  TJchess 1.1U            1848  40  40  244  51%  1824  23%
69  Myrddin_0.86.JA_xb      1837  40  40  244  53%  1806  16%
70  Natwarlal_0.14.JA_xb    1814  41  41  244  51%  1797  12%
71  DoubleCheck 2.3         1813  41  41  244  50%  1801  15%
72  KmtChess_1.21.JA_xb     1811  40  40  244  49%  1812  19%
73  Jazz 6.40 JA            1787  40  40  244  46%  1810  20%
74  Scidlet_2.61b2.JA_xb    1755  41  41  244  49%  1755  16%
75  Jazz v444 JA            1742  40  41  244  49%  1745  21%
76  Jazz v5.01 JA           1721  41  41  244  53%  1698  20%
77  Sjeng_1.12.JA_xb        1600  43  43  242  52%  1575  11%
78  BikJump v1.8            1572  42  42  242  51%  1555  14%
79  AdroitChess0.4 JA       1543  44  44  238  48%  1553  11%
80  Leonidas_r83.JA_xb      1504  43  43  238  49%  1504  19%
81  AdroitChess 0.3         1495  45  45  234  49%  1488  15%
82  ZCT-0.3.2500            1482  46  47  232  51%  1458   9%
83  BikJump v2.1P           1472  45  45  234  47%  1488  14%
84  Sjaak_4.68.JA_xb        1467  47  47  228  59%  1354  11%
85  Tscp_1.8.1.AB_xb        1365  47  47  228  48%  1367  11%
86  Zzzzzz_3.5.1.JA_xb      1341  45  46  226  50%  1334  18%
87  Rocinante 2.0 JA        1280  47  47  222  49%  1282  10%
88  VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.4     1137  48  49  218  38%  1245  11%
89  VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.1     1133  48  49  218  37%  1245  11%
90  Chess for Android        976  53  57  218  21%  1266   9%
91  Simplex 0.9.8            799  67  61  218   9%  1288   2%

Blitzoid test platform:
* Samsung Galaxy Note II @ 1.6 Ghz without downscaling
* 64MB hash tables where selectable
* 4 cpu threads where selectable
* Own books disabled and replaced by Silver Opening Suite positions (14 of 50 played so far)
* Opening positions played twice with different colors
* Tablebases and ponder off
* GUI: Aart Bik's Chess for Android
* Time control: 5 sec/move

June 16, 2014

Blitzoid chess engine ratings for Android: STOCKFISH 5 ADDED!

After 246 games played against exactly the same opponents as the previous version DD, Stockfish 5 has topped the Android list with 38 more elo points, as expected.

The improvement is roughly half of what was found at 1 second/move bullet games played between DD and 5. It's not surprising at all because many previous examples had shown an updated engine may deliver more superiority over its brother than over other engines.

A slight effect of time control difference, between 1 and 5 seconds/move is also included but that should be rather negligable.

Now, it's the turn of Texel 1.04 to join the list as engine #91, before i continue with remaining 36 rounds out of 50.

Blitzoid test platform:
* Samsung Galaxy Note II @ 1.6 Ghz without downscaling
* 64MB hash tables where selectable
* 4 cpu threads where selectable
* Own books disabled and replaced by Silver Opening Suite positions (14 of 50 played so far)
* Opening positions played twice with different colors
* Tablebases and ponder off
* GUI: Aart Bik's Chess for Android
* Time control: 5 sec/move

Ra Name                    Elo  +  - Gam Sco Oppo Dra
 1 Stockfish 5            3006 41 39 246 78% 2798 32%
 2 Stockfish DD           2972 38 37 246 75% 2798 39%
 3 Stockfish 4            2892 34 33 274 59% 2827 46%
 4 Stockfish 3            2891 35 34 274 59% 2827 38%
 5 Stockfish 2.3.1        2866 34 34 272 56% 2817 45%
 6 Critter 1.4            2852 34 34 272 54% 2819 41%
 7 Critter 1.6a           2849 34 34 272 55% 2817 43%
 8 BlackMamba 2.0         2790 40 39 252 66% 2634 32%
 9 Stockfish 2.0          2777 37 37 264 50% 2767 30%
10 Critter 1.2            2777 37 37 260 56% 2717 34%
11 RobboLito 0.085e4l     2717 37 37 258 44% 2755 35%
12 Komodo32 2.03 JA       2698 37 38 260 45% 2734 30%
13 RobboLito 0.085g3l     2674 38 38 252 53% 2640 33%
14 Senpai 1.0             2665 38 38 254 42% 2725 30%
15 Komodo32 3 AB          2658 38 38 254 47% 2677 27%
16 Komodo32 1.3 JA        2577 39 40 250 44% 2621 27%
17 Gaviota v1.0           2574 39 39 240 57% 2520 30%
18 Texel 1.03             2560 40 41 248 48% 2572 22%
19 IvanHoe 9.46b          2503 40 40 244 56% 2454 24%
20 Toga II 3.0            2495 40 40 246 51% 2501 24%
21 Arasan 15.2 JA         2426 40 40 244 52% 2415 20%
22 Gaviota v0.86          2410 40 40 240 49% 2428 24%
23 Toga II 1.4.1SE        2390 39 39 244 43% 2452 26%
24 Toga II 2.0 JA         2376 39 39 242 49% 2396 26%
25 DiscoCheck 3.7.1       2363 39 39 242 48% 2385 24%
26 Texel 1.01             2346 39 39 244 44% 2402 25%
27 Arasan 13.4            2327 38 38 240 49% 2339 25%
28 Arasan 14.0.1          2297 38 38 244 45% 2336 26%
29 DiscoCheck 4.0.1       2295 38 38 242 47% 2316 28%
30 GNU Chess 5.50-32      2279 38 38 240 46% 2307 29%
31 Crafty_23.4.JA_xb      2279 38 38 240 50% 2280 24%
32 gaviota v0.84          2269 39 39 240 54% 2249 23%
33 RedQueen 1.1.3 TCEC    2249 41 41 240 44% 2304 18%
34 Rodent 1.00            2242 38 38 242 53% 2218 30%
35 RedQueen 1.1.2         2242 39 39 242 45% 2287 20%
36 Crafty_23.5.JA_xb      2242 39 40 242 44% 2301 20%
37 Alfil 12.10 w32        2238 38 38 240 51% 2236 24%
38 Rodent 0.18.0          2215 37 37 244 56% 2171 30%
39 Rotor 0.7a             2206 37 37 242 48% 2223 29%
40 cheng3 1.07 JA         2182 39 39 242 49% 2192 19%
41 Rotor 0.8              2176 38 38 240 49% 2185 25%
42 GarboChess 3           2168 39 38 244 56% 2123 23%
43 Daydreamer 1.75 JA     2164 38 38 242 49% 2166 28%
44 Scorpio_2.7.JA_xb      2159 38 38 242 50% 2157 24%
45 gaviota v0.83          2147 39 39 242 48% 2163 22%
46 Sloppy_0.23.JA_xb      2129 37 38 244 48% 2142 26%
47 Pepito v1.59           2090 39 39 244 49% 2098 21%
48 Danasah_4.88.JA_xb     2074 38 38 244 47% 2092 25%
49 GNU Chess 6.0.2        2067 37 37 244 48% 2075 29%
50 DanasahZ_0.4.JA_xb     2065 38 38 240 49% 2073 26%
51 Tucano_1.04.AB_xb      2060 39 39 244 50% 2060 19%
52 DoubleCheck 2.7        2058 39 39 244 51% 2047 16%
53 DoubleCheck 2.6 JA     2058 39 39 244 50% 2061 18%
54 Danasah_5.06.JA_xb     2028 39 38 240 55% 1982 27%
55 Danasah_4.66.JA_xb     2014 39 39 240 53% 1989 21%
56 Typhoon_1.0.r358.JA_xb 2006 39 39 244 51% 1996 19%
57 BetsabeII_1.30.JA_xb   2006 39 39 244 51% 1995 16%
58 Diablo 0.5.1b JA       1986 38 38 244 52% 1966 25%
59 Olithink_5.3.2.JA_xb   1980 40 40 244 56% 1936 16%
60 Greko_8.2_uci          1966 38 38 240 54% 1940 27%
61 GreKo_9.8.AB_uci       1962 38 38 244 49% 1964 24%
62 GreKo_9.0.JA_uci       1955 39 38 244 53% 1928 20%
63 GreKo_10.0.JA_xb       1941 38 38 244 51% 1932 23%
64 Phalanx_XXIII.JA_xb    1939 40 41 244 46% 1969 13%
65 Sungorus 1.4 JA        1893 40 40 244 49% 1898 16%
66 BetsabeII_1.22.JA_xb   1864 41 41 240 56% 1804 13%
67 TJchess 1.1U           1848 40 40 244 51% 1823 23%
68 Myrddin_0.86.JA_xb     1836 40 40 244 53% 1805 16%
69 Natwarlal_0.14.JA_xb   1813 41 41 244 51% 1797 12%
70 DoubleCheck 2.3        1812 41 41 244 50% 1801 15%
71 KmtChess_1.21.JA_xb    1810 40 40 244 49% 1811 19%
72 Jazz 6.40 JA           1787 40 41 244 46% 1809 20%
73 Scidlet_2.61b2.JA_xb   1754 41 41 244 49% 1754 16%
74 Jazz v444 JA           1741 40 41 244 49% 1744 21%
75 Jazz v5.01 JA          1720 41 41 244 53% 1697 20%
76 Sjeng_1.12.JA_xb       1600 43 43 242 52% 1574 11%
77 BikJump v1.8           1571 42 42 242 51% 1555 14%
78 AdroitChess0.4 JA      1542 44 44 238 48% 1553 11%
79 Leonidas_r83.JA_xb     1504 43 43 238 49% 1504 19%
80 AdroitChess 0.3        1494 45 45 234 49% 1487 15%
81 ZCT-0.3.2500           1482 46 47 232 51% 1457  9%
82 BikJump v2.1P          1471 45 45 234 47% 1487 14%
83 Sjaak_4.68.JA_xb       1467 47 47 228 59% 1353 11%
84 Tscp_1.8.1.AB_xb       1364 47 47 228 48% 1366 11%
85 Zzzzzz_3.5.1.JA_xb     1340 45 46 226 50% 1333 18%
86 Rocinante 2.0 JA       1279 47 47 222 49% 1281 10%
87 VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.4    1136 48 49 218 38% 1244 11%
88 VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.1    1133 48 49 218 37% 1245 11%
89 Chess for Android       975 53 57 218 21% 1265  9%
90 Simplex 0.9.8           798 67 64 218  9% 1288  2%

June 8, 2014

Blitzoid chess engine ratings for Android: Update Round 14 of 50

Here's another update at 28% of the whole project. No, it's not finishing and i gotta play about six months more. I hope the Note-II will stay alive until the end :-)

For next update, i expect to introduce 2 new versions Stockfish 5.0 and Texel 1.04 in the list. So, i need to stop the rounds now and replay previous rounds with those 2 newbies vs same opponents as their elder brothers.

Some call this kind of "one against many" tournaments the GAUNTLETs. I call them nothing but unexpected duty. We came from an era where program updates were done in years.

Stay tuned for the other two projects Rapidroid and C64 revisited, both to be updated and published here in this blog which i try to keep free from Windows stuff.

Blitzoid test platform:
* Samsung Galaxy Note II @ 1.6 Ghz without downscaling)
* 64MB hash tables where selectable
* 4 cpu threads where selectable
* Own books disabled and replaced by Silver Opening Suite positions (8 of 50 played so far)
* Opening positions played twice with different colors
* Tablebases and ponder off
* GUI: Aart Bik's Chess for Android
* Time control: 5 sec/move

Ra Name                    Elo  +  - gam sco oppo dra
 1 Stockfish DD           2971 38 37 246 75% 2797 39%
 2 Stockfish 4            2896 36 35 246 63% 2806 47%
 3 Stockfish 3            2894 37 36 246 62% 2806 37%
 4 Stockfish 2.3.1        2864 36 35 246 58% 2797 45%
 5 Critter 1.6a           2849 36 35 246 58% 2797 44%
 6 Critter 1.4 32-bit     2845 36 36 246 56% 2799 41%
 7 BlackMamba 2.0         2787 41 40 242 68% 2618 32%
 8 Stockfish 2.0          2779 38 38 246 53% 2749 30%
 9 Critter 1.2            2775 39 38 244 58% 2698 34%
10 RobboLito 0.085e4l     2716 38 38 242 45% 2738 36%
11 Komodo32 2.03 JA       2697 38 38 246 46% 2718 31%
12 RobboLito 0.085g3l     2674 38 38 246 54% 2631 33%
13 Senpai 1.0             2663 38 38 242 43% 2711 30%
14 Komodo32 3 AB          2659 39 39 246 48% 2666 28%
15 Komodo32 1.3 JA        2579 39 40 244 45% 2611 28%
16 Gaviota v1.0           2574 39 39 240 57% 2520 30%
17 Texel 1.03             2561 41 41 244 49% 2565 22%
18 IvanHoe 9.46b          2503 40 40 244 56% 2454 24%
19 Toga II 3.0            2495 40 39 244 51% 2497 24%
20 Arasan 15.2 JA         2426 40 40 244 52% 2415 20%
21 Gaviota v0.86          2411 40 40 240 49% 2428 24%
22 Toga II 1.4.1SE        2390 39 39 244 43% 2452 26%
23 Toga II 2.0 JA         2376 39 39 242 49% 2396 26%
24 DiscoCheck 3.7.1       2363 39 39 242 48% 2385 24%
25 Texel 1.01             2346 39 39 244 44% 2402 25%
26 Arasan 13.4            2327 38 38 240 49% 2339 25%
27 Arasan 14.0.1          2297 38 38 244 45% 2336 26%
28 DiscoCheck 4.0.1       2295 38 38 242 47% 2316 28%
29 GNU Chess 5.50-32      2279 38 38 240 46% 2307 29%
30 Crafty_23.4.JA_xb      2279 38 38 240 50% 2280 24%
31 gaviota v0.84          2270 39 39 240 54% 2249 23%
32 RedQueen 1.1.3 TCEC    2249 41 41 240 44% 2304 18%
33 Rodent 1.00            2243 38 38 242 53% 2218 30%
34 RedQueen 1.1.2         2243 39 39 242 45% 2287 20%
35 Crafty_23.5.JA_xb      2242 39 40 242 44% 2301 20%
36 Alfil 12.10 w32        2238 39 38 240 51% 2236 24%
37 Rodent 0.18.0          2215 37 37 244 56% 2171 30%
38 Rotor 0.7a             2206 37 37 242 48% 2223 29%
39 cheng3 1.07 JA         2182 39 39 242 49% 2193 19%
40 Rotor 0.8              2176 38 38 240 49% 2186 25%
41 GarboChess 3           2168 39 38 244 56% 2123 23%
42 Daydreamer 1.75 JA     2164 38 38 242 49% 2166 28%
43 Scorpio_2.7.JA_xb      2160 38 38 242 50% 2157 24%
44 gaviota v0.83          2147 39 39 242 48% 2163 22%
45 Sloppy_0.23.JA_xb      2129 37 38 244 48% 2142 26%
46 Pepito v1.59           2090 39 39 244 49% 2098 21%
47 Danasah_4.88.JA_xb     2074 38 38 244 47% 2093 25%
48 GNU Chess 6.0.2        2067 37 37 244 48% 2075 29%
49 DanasahZ_0.4.JA_xb     2065 38 38 240 49% 2073 26%
50 Tucano_1.04.AB_xb      2061 39 39 244 50% 2060 19%
51 DoubleCheck 2.7        2058 39 39 244 51% 2048 16%
52 DoubleCheck 2.6 JA     2058 39 39 244 50% 2061 18%
53 Danasah_5.06.JA_xb     2028 39 38 240 55% 1983 27%
54 Danasah_4.66.JA_xb     2014 39 39 240 53% 1989 21%
55 Typhoon_1.0.r358.JA_xb 2006 39 39 244 51% 1996 19%
56 BetsabeII_1.30.JA_xb   2006 39 39 244 51% 1995 16%
57 Diablo 0.5.1b JA       1986 38 38 244 52% 1966 25%
58 Olithink_5.3.2.JA_xb   1980 40 40 244 56% 1936 16%
59 Greko_8.2_uci          1966 38 38 240 54% 1940 27%
60 GreKo_9.8.AB_uci       1962 38 38 244 49% 1965 24%
61 GreKo_9.0.JA_uci       1956 39 38 244 53% 1929 20%
62 GreKo_10.0.JA_xb       1941 38 38 244 51% 1932 23%
63 Phalanx_XXIII.JA_xb    1939 40 41 244 46% 1969 13%
64 Sungorus 1.4 JA        1893 40 40 244 49% 1898 16%
65 BetsabeII_1.22.JA_xb   1864 41 41 240 56% 1804 13%
66 TJchess 1.1U           1848 40 40 244 51% 1823 23%
67 Myrddin_0.86.JA_xb     1836 40 40 244 53% 1805 16%
68 Natwarlal_0.14.JA_xb   1813 41 41 244 51% 1797 12%
69 DoubleCheck 2.3        1812 41 41 244 50% 1801 15%
70 KmtChess_1.21.JA_xb    1810 40 40 244 49% 1812 19%
71 Jazz 6.40 JA           1787 40 41 244 46% 1809 20%
72 Scidlet_2.61b2.JA_xb   1754 41 41 244 49% 1755 16%
73 Jazz v444 JA           1741 40 40 244 49% 1744 21%
74 Jazz v5.01 JA          1720 41 41 244 53% 1697 20%
75 Sjeng_1.12.JA_xb       1600 43 43 242 52% 1574 11%
76 BikJump v1.8           1572 42 42 242 51% 1555 14%
77 AdroitChess0.4 JA      1542 44 44 238 48% 1553 11%
78 Leonidas_r83.JA_xb     1504 43 43 238 49% 1504 19%
79 AdroitChess 0.3        1494 45 45 234 49% 1488 15%
80 ZCT-0.3.2500           1482 46 47 232 51% 1458  9%
81 BikJump v2.1P          1471 45 45 234 47% 1487 14%
82 Sjaak_4.68.JA_xb       1467 47 47 228 59% 1353 11%
83 Tscp_1.8.1.AB_xb       1364 47 47 228 48% 1366 11%
84 Zzzzzz_3.5.1.JA_xb     1341 45 46 226 50% 1334 18%
85 Rocinante 2.0 JA       1280 47 47 222 49% 1281 10%
86 VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.4    1136 48 49 218 38% 1244 11%
87 VIRUTOR CHESS 1.1.1    1133 48 49 218 37% 1245 11%
88 Chess for Android       975 53 57 218 21% 1265  9%
89 Simplex 0.9.8           798 67 69 218  9% 1288  2%

June 6, 2014

C64 Revisited: Round-2 starts

After one day of rest, i feel like freaking again about C64 zombies and their moves. Now it's another 44 games after which all 22 programs will have played 8 games against 2 others.

I'm not a Swiss pairing specialist at all but i know it's better to keep close rivals together and to avoid top programs vs weak ones, the way we see in many round robin tournaments.

But why not play only one game and not four in a row? That's how i started altering the swiss method.

Therefore, i have no doubt the ranking will be readable as early as after two rounds. And 7 rounds will be very decisive.

My bet is always on Colossus 4.0 for the leadership. I think MyChess-II and Chessmaster-2100 will likely fight for second place.

But let's play and see if practice meets theory.

June 5, 2014

C64 Revisited: Round-1 finished

22 programs, 4 games per pairing and an altered version of swiss tournament for better elo calculation...

I believe this method is much better than a huge round robin with a lot of useless "high gap" pairings. Instead i wanted to replace all possible high gap pairings with more games between programs of close strength.

We will see the outcome if i can survive more than 7 rounds like that, bearing in mind those zombie programs are very difficult to efficiently control because of different commands and entry modes.

In any case, the experiment is scientifically interesting because it's fun to find ways to port today's trends and methods to a fully historical environment.

The major difference of this project is the ellimination of pondering regardless of the program options, by pausing the emulation in the worst case. This was never done before.

Pondering (aka deep thinking, permanent brain) means the program continues to think ahead when it's the opponent's turn. This leads to a stronger gameplay when next opponent move is correctly guessed. Therefore it's vital to use pondering in a real tournament. But in a testing environment or when two programs are not connected for auto-play, manual move entries cause delays and turn to extra time in favor of the program who's waiting its turn. Testers avoid pondering since a long time ago when two programs share same hardware ressources too. Though it's not the case with C64 emulation and we can run many VICE instances without ressource conflicts.

I had to change level settings on Chessmaster 2100, Sargon, Cyrus II, Petchess and Microcess (all from L5 to L4). I think the settings used in other tournaments do not comply to 30m/60' rapidchess timing, maybe due to no more pondering. Stopwatch checked and verified :-)

Regarding the results, as seen (unseen?) below with a magnifier or by clicking on the image, the first round did not bring extraordinary surprises, hopefully. A clearer overview should be available as soon as two more rounds thanks to the quickest ranking system i want to reach.

June 2, 2014

New king of Android: Stockfish 5.0 vs Stockfish DD

After 100 games, v5.0 proves to be much stronger than the previous official DD version.

The ELO increase in bullet time control is 74 points. There's no need to wait for scheduled games of my Blitzoid project to confirm the last version is above 3000 ELO on Android. Hats off for such great progress in less than 1 year.

GUI: Chess for Android
Time control: 1 sec/move
Openings: Chessbase Silver50, both sides
Stockfish 5.0: +35=51-14 60.5/100 +74ELO
Stockfish DD: +14=51-35 39.5/100 -74 ELO

June 1, 2014

Andrıid UCI engine update: Stockfish 5.0

Following the TCEC victory, Stockfish team has submitted the new version of world's strongest chess engine two days ago.

Hopefully, the Android version which was not there at the time of release, came yesterday with a working link.

Freaks like me may download and enjoy Android version at: http://stockfishchess.org/download/

I can't wait to start a test of 100 games between v5.0 and DD to see the improvement level. Result to be published here as soon as possible.

Those who want to use Stockfish 5.0 under a dedicated GUI may try Droidfish app which has been updated by Peter Österlund yesterday. It has the new engine version bundled inside.

Droidfish with Stockfish 5.0 can be downloaded from this link: Google Play Store