
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

November 27, 2017

Android UCI engine update: Ethereal 8.37

Andy Grant keeps releasing Android builds with each update of his engine. Ethereal is on the way to 3000 ELO in CCRL and it already broke trough 2800 in blitz list. You may expect 2650-2700 in Android devices.

WHAT'S NEW (v8.37):
-Major cleanup of code; Working torwards a uniform style. No functional change.
Main change if that eval is broken into many functions, with the aid of an EvalInfo struct. Working with the one massive eval function was a pain. Also, this new way nets a 2.0% to 3.0% speedup in my test positions.
Managed to remove ~725 LOC Tuned values for all evaluation features except Castling / Safety

GET Ethereal 8.37.AG for arm7 32-bit pie

In case of trouble downloading from your PC, use your mobile device or refer to THIS POST.

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