It's been a while since Fabien Letouzey, the father of the legendary Fruit had introduced Senpai. The second version of the engine confirms that Fabien did not leave the scene yet. It's a full rewrite of the engine.
Thanks go this time to long time vanishing Aprijal Pasaribu for porting it to Android. We truly worried about why he suddenly ceased preparing Android builds of many engines after seeing his blog stays silent since May-2017. Fortunately, now we know that he's safe and sound. I hope he returns back to Android as soon as possible.
GET. Senpai 2.0.AP for arm7 and arm8
Thanks go this time to long time vanishing Aprijal Pasaribu for porting it to Android. We truly worried about why he suddenly ceased preparing Android builds of many engines after seeing his blog stays silent since May-2017. Fortunately, now we know that he's safe and sound. I hope he returns back to Android as soon as possible.
GET. Senpai 2.0.AP for arm7 and arm8
this blog is best, thanks for gurcan n alexei for their dedication n hard work
only here i can find updated android chess engine
i m using chess tournament app n Andscacs playing style is best for me simply wow but i cannot load komodo 9(playstore) into it any idea
or should i use cfa
suggest me best opening book for droidfish
in cfa engine install from sd card, it shows nothing
Did you give CFA permission to use memory?
thanks it works
Alexei can u compile booot , i think it is open source
it will be pleasure
It's written in Pascal, I'm not familiar with this programming language.
okay but ur work is great , hats off to u man
making chess engine for Android platform
Most of the time in CfA you have to depend on GUI book(which I pointed out before as outdated) or no book at all.Only a few engines can use their own book in CfA like habits and Scorpio (APE version).
The corrected version of Vajolet2-2.5 (I fixed the arm64v8 version end arm7):
New chess engine update for laser,toga and greko.we are waiting for android version.
I would like to thank Gurcan and Alexei for continually and tirelessly updating and contributing to this blogspot. I regularly visit this site on a daily basis, and love how other engines are debuted in the lime light in the presence of the mightly sf. Keep up the awesome work. You have garnered a fan.
Thanks for the update Alexei!
:-D I like your style Rahul.You dont request..you demand !
I conducted a small test in the shell Chess Engine Tournament of 300 games.
Vajolet2-2.5-arm7 vs Vajolet2-2.3.1-arm7: 161-139.
Vajolet2-2.5 +28 elo (+ - 28).
Yes, the games were on fast control (30s + 1s 3 threads).
The speed of Vajolet2-2.3.1 is more, because on a longer control the advantage of Vajolet2-2.5 should be greater.
Hi all! I made this armFish from last Lantonov asmFish-master https://github.com/lantonov/asmFish Let me know if it is good.
Thanks Alexei for your effort,may you please compile the latest Brainfish?Thanks!
A lot of pop-ups....
Hello Alexei,
May I just confirm with you if this is correct:
The link for Cfish_050118 for arm.7 reads Cfish_050117 upon unzipping. Arm.8 reads the same. Is this just a typo? Nevertheless, I have dl'ed it for use w 5-piece syzygy and cerebellum_110118.
Thank you,
Yes, when I wrote the name of the engine, I thought about the last year of 2017 and wrote absent-mindedly 050117. Simply replace the seven by eight.
Have a comment and question about arm5 engines running on 64 bit processors.In an earlier post Alexei replied to a question about Critter 1.6a being arm5 and that arm 5 engines cant run on 64 bit phones.I cant run Critter as its NOPIE but i can run many arm5 engines on my 64 bit exynos processor as long as they are not NOPIE.Am i missing some point? Are there users here that cant for example run the official Stockfish 3 (arm5),stockfish 5 JAarm5, rodent 1.7,Ivanhoe 9.47c rhetoric ,Senpai arm5 JA komodo 2.03? I can also run arm5 komodo 8 amd komodo 9.42.
It all depends on the firmware + processor + features of the compilation. But some 64 bit processors do not really support armv5.
But this 32 bit engines and applications is coming to an end. Since 2019, Google officially ceases to support 32-bit applications, everything will be 64 bit.
thanks alexei for ur answer
i m facing same issue so i have downloaded every chess engine ( arm5 arm7 pie nopie )n tried some works some dont in my 64 bit
and i m happy that ur compilation is updated n works in my device
seeing elo rating
i need fritezina critter komodo8 scorpio nemorino laser bobcat senpai 2 for my 64 bit android device ( i use chess tournament app)
but i m happy watching tournament of andscacs vajolet deepsaros sctr protector demolito which play best(i like their style)
komodo beekay works but it easily get defeated by other chess engine ( under 30 moves checkmated )
so i opt for only alexei compile best n updated
Gurcan , i think it will be best if chessdroid will be in Facebook page as well :)
Ah i see.Thats sad.many good engines will be lost.So even 32 bit arm7 engines will not run? Wow ! Unless you use older Android OS.still it means there are many engines that will be lost.I guess thats why windows will be king for a few years more.On windows i can always find solutions wether its chess engines or old software games(non-chess)
It would be nice Alexei -when these old engines cease to work if you could recompile some of them for 64 bit processors.Engimes like Black Mamba for example will be lost but a few older Stockfishes are easily ported i imagine.In any event i appreciate you compiling with static libraries for arm8 as its probably safest for maximum usage by users going forward :-)
I just realized something.i wonder what will become of programs like Chess Genius (which has always been 32 bit even on PC) and Shredder (which is arm7 for Android).Shredder almost looks abandoned as an app.Both of these apps may just disappear?!
You can get komodo 8 from Google Play.Senpai is available here on Chesstroid.They dont work on your device? Bobcat 8 has been compiled by Alprijal and is also available in Chesstroid Engine repository.
Black Mamba code is closed, so it would be recompiled for a long time.
why critter is abondon ? i have read article here in chessdroid critter is based on houdini 1.5
Equinox Bouquet chess engine will be best to be seen in android
Equinox Bouquet - closed source code.
Alexei have you looked at Nemorino 4
to port.Laser looks good too
how is it possible houdini 3 re-engineering ????
i hav no idea
Alexei , u r such a genius
why wont u become author of chess engine by producing own strong chess engine ?????
it will be remarkable
Thanks Nathanael. If only i could have more spare time to ensure the posts come quicker. Unfortunately, i'm still deep in professional duties.
Developing a chess engine is another world. I guess he'd better keep compiling :-)
My compilation is Laser-1.6 beta (arm7, arm64v8). Thanks Aprijal for hint in fixing the code to work in CFA. This version is slower than Laser-1.3 but much stronger.
I'm learning this. For the beginning I want to take as a basis some powerful open-source engine and improve it. This experience is very useful.
thanks alexei n aprijal for it
about next
sharpchess is free n open source how about compiling it ?
hi all,
one of most intersting engine ( human style ) need to compiling if possible : OPENTAL
thanks to Alexei and Aprijal for all engines
A lot of thanks sir Alexie for compiling laser. It works great and much stronger.
Yes Opental is based on rodent-which is an engine i like a lot.Opental is designed to play like Mikhail Tal so very explosive sacrifices and entertaining chess.its open source.I hope Alexei can port Opental and the latest rodent engine as well.Both engines are fun and interesting to play around with ;-)
Hi, sir Alexie laser1.6 (arm7) lost engine in cfa two or times in every 10 games and I am unable to install it in acid ape chess showing error massage.
You used the time control 1.2 seconds per turn? The same problem is with the compilation Laser 1.3 AP (I tested). I think it's the shell. Use the normal time control (60 + 1,120 + 1 and so on). Or the Chess Engine Tournament . I do not use the Acid Ape Chess application, they generally have problems with the engines. For example Arasan 20.2 which goes with the application in general with a bug (it plays somewhere around 100 elo below Arasan 20 and incorrectly shows the rating). I do not recommend this application for testing engines.
Ok thanks sir alexie.
Yes that sounds good! I would suggest an engine like Cheng perhaps ? Cheng is one of those promising engines thats really needs to reach 3000 elo ;-)
I just cant download yoir engine.too many pop ups virus scams etc.wish you used mediafire or something similar..
Thanks Gurcan and Alexei for the hard work.
There's actually a neat trick to run Critter on Android 5.0 and later. Download the official Android binary from the Critter website, open it in a hex editor (I used GHex). Then find the 17th byte.
(7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 << that's the byte which determines pie or nopie.)
Change that value from 02 to 03, and save it as new file. That allowed me to run Critter in Aart Bik's CfA on a Marshmallow device with Snapdragon 425. Hope that helps!
Alexei, what kind of toolchain do you use? I'm mainly interested in compiling the official Stockfish (for ARMv7 only). I've been trying to use the Google NDK in command line, but so far it hasn't worked. Would you mind sharing the makefile used for Stockfish please? A short tutorial on making a PGO-build would be even better. Thanks!
Wow, thanks Gran Virt for the tip! I downloaded free-hex-editor-neo on my PC and change in second command line from 02 to 03, now Critter 1.6a working on my android 6 snapdragon!
A great thanks to Gran virt.you have done a outstanding,fantastic,mind blowing and historic work.thanks thanks thanks a lot sir Gran Virt.now i am able to run critter in android(naugat).
i tried it works thanks gran virt
it is awesome tip for all
Gran Virt thanks for this awesome idea
i tried critter1.6a on droidfish and chess tournament app it works
it works fine on my 64bit exynos processor ( nougat )
many many thanks to u
Can someone post a link to a modified critter here.im between pc's at the moment.Thank You
Can the aame trick be used on other engines or only Critter? Awesome btw.Thank you
lazar its simple
just download critter for Android from its homepage http://www.vlasak.biz/critter/
n open in hex editor n modify
i hav tried it on komodo 8 ( from website) n it works fine but not working in another chess engine
Lazar Modified critter is here.
i m trying to modify some chess engine but it wont works
only critter komodo rotor
It should work for turning any nopie binary into a pie version. Might be useful for running some older engines (such as those made by Jim Ablett back in the day) on newer devices.
Glad I could make a small contribution, but people like Jim, Aprijal, Alexei, and Gurcan are the real heroes, along with free/opensource engine authors. Android ports aren't always straightforward, and require a lot of skill and dedication. Yet they've been very generous with their time, and given us dozens of different engines, and hundreds of versions!
i support with ur words.....
many many thanks it works
ur contribution is notable thank again
Thanks again.Yes i agree Gurcan and Alexei are top guys! :-) Id like to compile some older Stockfish versions to arm8 for Nostalgic reasons and for testing.Talking about Stockfish 1.8 ,2.01, 3 etc.Id appreciate arm7 versions too but in about 3 or 4 years it will be all 64 bit engines only working on Android
Thank you Rahul.i got it working with Aam Android hex editor just before you posted the link but still thanks :-)
Try it on Srockfish 1.8 and 1.9 lol.
Try some more engines..you may be surprised
Thanks i figured it out ;-)
Any modded for
Droidfish ??
only thing i missed about is chess tournament , is any modifications out here
So far i have Stockfish DD working but not Stockfish 1.8.But im busy to try more engines for now.Still bery happy so far.Gran Virt is a Legend ! Lol.Seriously though much appreciated Gran!
An example of the impressive tactical strength and speed of Critter in this FEN:
q1r1k2r/1b3pp1/p3p3/P1b4n/1pN1P2p/3BBP2/1P2Q1PP/R4R1K b - - 0 1
Other top engines struggle to find
critter is best for tactics as author says
i find out that critter plays complex game hard to understand , i think mainly closed position in chess tournament app
why Critter status is abandon ??
otherwise it will be top chess engine as well
Richard should hav given his work to another author for continuing improvement
anyway having fun playing with critter
I think at some point Houdart (author) of Houdini threatened legal action if Critter was to be updated as the assumption was that new Critter would contain Houdini 3 code I think thats why it was abandoned.
thanks for information
This trick doesn't work for me :( Snapdragon 835, MIUI 9 (Nougat)
Yeah Snapdragon 835 has some compatibility issues.Can you run general arm8 engines ok? Example Ivanhoe? And say older Stockfish 6?
Ivanhoe arm8 link:
Stockfish 6 arm8:
I ask because Snapdragon 835 user has previously reported poir compatibility with arm8 engines NOT using static libraries (ie dynamic)
I tried the Ivanhoe and SF 6, they working fine for me but are 2 x slower than SF8 (they get around 2000-2500 kN/s with 8 threads). Before Alexei started to use static libs I couldn't run CFish and Corchess, all his other builds were working ok with dynamic libs. So static libs help for some engines compatibility, and for some other engines it doesn't matter.
Bummer I can't run Critter, it's one of my favourites for long time...
Yeah Static libraries seem to be most useful with Cfish and other Stockfish derivatives.Dont fret too much about Critter.32 bit engines on Android have a limited lifespan with the coming changes..unless you use an Android emulator on PC...which kinda defeats the purpose of Android :-D It would be great if Critter wass compiled for 64 bit processors..now that would be something..but thats highly unlikely i think
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