CT800 is an average level engine released by Ratmus Althoff who recently concentrated on compiling for Android and finally managed to obtain working binaries.
CT800, in fact, was born as a dedicated chess computer idea and it was designed by Rasmus Althoff. The original CT800 featured an ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller of an Olimex H405 board that operates up to 168 Mhz, with 1 MB of flash memory, 192+4 kB of SRAM, and multiple I/O and USB connectors, with a 4x20 character text display, two leds, and a 4x4 + 1 keypad as peripherals aka user interface. Voltage source is due to four NiMH rechargeable AA batteries or external 5 V DC power supply.

The "chess computer" CT800
CT800's firmware is developed by Rasmus Althoff, released under the GPL Version 3. The chess playing software is an ARM port of George Georgopoulos' open source engine NG-play including a KPK bitbase by Marcel van Kervinck.
GET CT800 1.20 for arm7 and arm8
Previous stable version was:
GET CT800 1.12 for arm7
Development versions from 1.12 to 1.20 were:
GET CT800 1.20p11 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p13 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p14 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p15 for arm7 and arm8
In case of trouble downloading from PC, use your mobile or refer to THIS POST.
Previous stable version was:
GET CT800 1.12 for arm7
Development versions from 1.12 to 1.20 were:
GET CT800 1.20p11 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p13 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p14 for arm7 and arm8
GET CT800 1.20p15 for arm7 and arm8
Hi all,
since there was some interest here in testing the previous version, maybe that also applies to the current one. Especially with the Elo slider.
The most relevant changes from V1.20:
- the pre-search is cut down to 1 ply. I encountered a real game position where the 3-ply pre-search alone would take 800,000 nodes, roughly half a minute on the target hardware - way too much. A nice side-effect is that throttling via node rate works much better, which I guess Lazar will enjoy. :-)
- the engine strength can be set in Elo. In Elo limited mode, the UCI parameters node rate, CPU speed and eval noise are overridden. The Elo setting works independently from the device, except for the maximum which is automatically calibrated to the device speed. That's quite some guesswork, and I don't expect the setting to be "exact". However, it provides an easy slider to control the strength.
Apart from that, the engine sometimes ripped up its kingside only to notice that there is no good place to castle to, which I have fixed. Another improvement is with extremely short thinking times like in 1 second for the whole game, where the engine now is quite an over-achiever.
regards, Rasmus
Thanks! It's fabulous.
Hello Rasmus,
I just saw your above post...Ive now downloaded from link.yes i DO enjoy the node precision now :-) I use Ct800 regularly now as a playing/sparring partner so im
interested in its further development.Will report back with any observations that may or may not be useful.
Kind Regards,
Hello sir Gurcan!
Is everything ok?
Just do one reply on blog.
My compilation cfish-290418(arm7,arm64v8).
syzygy1 Update to "Always scale using pawn contribution".
Thank you very much!
Hello Rasmus.Im really liking the new elo feature.i notice that for example at 2100 elo its doing 30kns but in the endgame its doing about 55kns.Is there any randomness in the move selection with the elo option or is it purely node based? ..And how does the engine determine when to increase the node speed-in the elo option ? Is it determined by move count or piece count or ? Im liking what im seeing so far!
My compilation stockfish.
New strong patch (+8 ELO LTC test).
Author: MJZ1977
Date: Tue May 1 07:12:27 2018 +0200
Timestamp: 1525151547
Penalty for bad bishop with blocked central files
We increase the penalty for bad bishops by a factor proportional
to the number of our blocked pawns in the center files C, D, E or F.
LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,5.00]
Total: 8868 W: 1870 L: 1700 D: 5298
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,5.00]
Total: 5813 W: 950 L: 808 D: 4055
Closes https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/pull/1573
Bench: 5364190
Fantastic Alexei! Thank You!
Thanx alot
Hi Lazar,
it's probably the move time that hits in. The configured Elo refers to 15 seconds for the current move. That can be reduced by up to 50 Elo when going down to 5 seconds per move or less because humans are not as good at blitz games. On the other hand, it can increase by up to 50 Elo for 2 minutes per move or more because humans are better at long time controls. The automatic calibration at engine startup already leaves 50 Elo headroom for the ramp-up with long time controls.
If you set the strength to 2100 Elo and give a move time of 2 minutes or more (or analysis), the engine will have about 55 kNPS, so that would match. The speed does not depend on the game phase.
Of course, there is still some amount of inaccuracy possible if the engine decides that it doesn't want another depth iteration, which will happen if an iteration is finished and more than 55% of the allocated move time is already over.
Plus that there are the quick replies for obvious moves, and the depth to which the engine checks that an obvious move is actually correct will vary from 4 to 6 plies, depending on the actual node rate limit.
The other thing is the noise, which will kick in at 1900 Elo or less - 1900 after adding/subtracting the move time related +/- 50 Elo.
I'm happy that the scaling seems to make sense for actual human play. :-)
regards, Rasmus
My compilation xiphos-0.2.4:
Good-job, thankyou
Mars isn't yet for android,any reason?
Thanks Alexei!
Hi, Xiphos0.2.4 is very strong now, thanks for the update.
Sir Alexie,
Latest ethereal please, ethereal gain +12 elo by its new patch.
Rahul! Find source codes for Mars so Alexei will compile it for us, I bet mars will defeat xiphos..
Hi Karim,
There is no source code for Mars chess,only engine available for Windows 64-bit.
Hello Karim,
Check this may be here!
Hi all!
My test of ten engines, using cfa app, I still don't know , who is the winner?
BOOK..(no book)a single opening (Sicilian Najdorf, Byrne (English) attack.pgn) 23 moves was chosen,
So all the engines face each other 10 times. 5time as a black and 5time as white player.
The total played games are 450,
Here is the proof .
P.S... the link will expire withing 48 hours
I have visited this site many times..rahul
Latest ethereal please!
Oh my gash,nobody said anything about my test.
Hello sir please update your website it has been so long time
Latest ethereal please!
Latest SF pls...
Anyone has Fritz engine for android, can share the link,
this is the V1.30 release of the CT800. Some bugfixes, the most critical a buffer overflow with "debug on" and long input lines, so updating from V1.20 is advised. There is now a slider to control the engine strength via UCI_Elo, the throttling via node rate works better, and the engine is much stronger at super-fast time controls like 1 second per game without increments. Some minor improvements to eval and search are also in place.
This release accomodates to quirks in Arena and Droidfish with regard to threefold repetition: Arena misses the threefold when the first occurence was after a two step pawn move without e.p. possibility, and Droidfish sends the third occurence to the engine before declaring draw. In both cases, V1.20 answered with a null move that confused the GUIs, which I have removed.
Since this is a well-rounded release, I expect +3.14 Elo at CCRL.
Release notes and download: https://www.ct800.net/sw_release_v130.htm
regards, Rasmus
Thanks alot, anonymous
Most recent SF pls
Anonymous, this one of May first 2018 only I have that's compiled by Alexei,,
Very nice! Good to see my sparring partner is being improved :-) Thanks Rasmus and thanks for the update here !
My compilation of Stockfish is 100518.
Author: protonspring
Date: Thu May 10 15:46:32 2018 +0200
Timestamp: 1525959992
Consolidate pawn storm types
New: I have enabled two compilations for arm64v8.One my usual on GCC-7.2 and new on the most modern compiler GCC-8.This compilation is done with PGO and LTO optimization and is 12.6% faster than standard(10 launches per bencmark).This version is the most recent(~1.8 mb!).
Awesome thanks.
Texel chess has been updated on play store.
Thanks for letting us know Rahul! I knew about latest Texel from Peter Osterlund's Dropbox but had not yet seen the playtore version.
Awesome! Thanks as always Alexei!
Thanks Mr.Alexei for the Stockfish update.The same to Mr.Anonymous (I think he's the author of CT800).Javiolo's Stockfish,Cfish,other Stockfish engines and CEPA GUI are also updated in the G.Playstore.Thank you also to Peter Osterlund for updating the powerful Texel engine which has a contempt option now.Were grateful to all the authors...��
Latest ethereal please!
GCC8 build is indeed very fast, works like a charm. Thank you Alexei!
Ok I just tested K9.42 against SF10052018 for a hundred game round robin match with time control of 10sec each side on my 6 core SD 650 phone and 256 mb of Hash each side and the result is mind bogling 82-18 win for the SF. Just to c how much powerful SF has become over K. Although K's latest official release is quite a bit stronger but yet I beleive even that would not have changed the result much. So in Android we can say that SF is clearly way stronger than K atleast in quick time control.
Hi Anonymous you are right. Komodo is very weak against SF.
See here,
Hi Alex,
Would you please check this if any flag in this pgn. I think, now eveytevery is ok.
I have pgn too,
My compilation Cfish-130518(arm7,arm64v8).
syzygy1 update:Support for very large book files.
New: Cfish (gcc-8 compiler) PGO+LTO for arm64v8 (+10-12% faster than standard).
My compilation Ethereal-9.75:
Wow, new record with GCC-8. On my Snap 835 I achieve 5400 knps on starting position straight away, after time it drops due to thermal throttling but 5400 knps without throttling is amazing! Thank you Alexei!
I need booot and fire engines.
Can someone drop a link?
Hi Alex. I finally found how to convert pgn to binary, so me just converted your pgn books to (bin) format successfully, it took me just 30 minutes to convert,, here is your converted books ...
Nice one Karim,congratulations.Can you convert the ECO opening book(see below) into binary format?
Hi Karim,I found that The Crazy Bishop Chess engine has a "book.pgn".Just click "The Crazy Bishop" here:http://www.top-5000.nl/wbuci.htm
Can you kindly convert it too into binary(bin) format and share it with us?Thank you Karim!
Paulzzz, the eco opening book is 2032 games can be read by analyze this app. I can convert it, the crazy bishop book is unreadable ,so I need my PC if I could convert it, right now I'm online using my tablet, I will soon inform you, and yes sure I will convert any book you request,, I even created an another binary book consist of just an opening, to use it with droidfish is a fun, will force driod app to practice your desired opening,,
Here is it,,,https://www33.zippyshare.com/v/Lv20C9lJ/file.html
,,,,, it is just 250bytes,,,
Hello Mr. karim ullah, may I request if you could kindly convert this .pgn file to .bin file? I'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance :)
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/28h5d4x5he3b98q/games.pgn
HEllo anonymous. Here is your converted chess book successful...and you're most welcomed always...
Great job Karim!
Thank you Karim!Good job�� .I'm excited to see the Crazy Bishop book in binary format(if possible).
Wow!! so fast :) thank you very much for your time and effort Mr. karim. I'm gonna test it now ;)
Paulzzz,I think the eco pgn is designed for kvetka GUI,it is different from Alex and anonymous,s pgn ,it can't be converted I can't describe it , to open it in notepad++ you will notice lake of information and broken lines. and about crazy bishop, it is the just one opening with lots of variations,I tried to convert it but the result was a simple opening without variations..still if you want to see the binary, I will upload it for you.. thanks
Googling for pgn books. I visited this page..
Thanks Karim.I still want to see it.Btw,could you please convert Carlsen's pgn here into bin format?https://www.pgnmentor.com/files.html
Actually a lot of players to choose from:)
Thank you again!
Seems interesting:)
Hello Karim have you already saw this?
Not until now, seems interesting, do you want me to convert them to binary format?
Paulzzz the best chess players opening books was already converted by Alex, this is Alex shared link,,
My compilation hiphos-0.2.6:
Thanks Alexei for the update,BTW firenzina engine is different from fire engine? Or they are the same?
Yes Karim please convert it to a binary file.Gurcan also made another one:http://chesstroid.blogspot.com/2015/06/all-openings-of-tcec-7-for-testers.html?m=1
Try also to convert into bin if you have time,thanks for your time and effort Karim!
Thank you Mr.Alexei!
Yes ofcourse I will and I'm busy to bring Olympiad arena abk format book to binary book, its a Bigbook nearly 160 MB...
I wish for success
Awesome,that will be a good book.
Thanks sir Alexie! This is a great chess engine.
Thanks once again!
Hello sir Alexie,
Is it possible to compile xiphos with gcc7.2 or gcc8. If possible than next time please provide xiphos with gcc 7.2 or gcc8.
Hi to all,
Paulzzz I hope its Been converted with no error lol.
Tcec6 link
Tcec7 link
Thanks for encouragement
Why do that?Engines made on gcc-8 are faster and stronger.Why would I waste time on another compilation?
It's mean latest Xiphos compiled with gcc8! Great
I'm gonna share this binary chess book with those who really want to have it.. this book was extracted from bpchess application..in fact this is my favorite book among all I have in binary format..because of its longer moves, some openings even reaches uptown 34moves
Latest SF Pls...
My compilation stockfish-160518(arm7-pgo,arm64-pgo):
Oh yeah. Thanx Alex.
Hi Karim,thank you very much your converted bin books works in DroidFish and CEPA by javiolo.Excellent.
Btw Karim I discovered this new book package(just released this year)and has a pgn file:SALC v5 hc10m.pgn with 24,996 games.Can you please convert it into bin book?Thank you Karim I appreciate your efforts a lot.
Here is the link:http://www.sp-cc.de/salc-openings.htm
Paulzzz I tried to convert it but unfortunately this time didn't work for me, spent about three hours using different ideas but none worked, then I copied 5 opening from that book and converted it to binary and it was converted successfully, I think the tool that I'm using has limit of conversion,but never mind tomorrow I will try some more ideas to convert it into two parts and merge them back...and our area has a time limited power. Thats why I'm so slow to reply your comments...
Latest BrainFish please...
It's OK Karim,take your time:)
Hi Paulzzz,, finally I got to compile your requested book into binary format. But I have two binaries. The first try and second try into a rar file..plz let me know which book was compiled correctly,, again thanks for encouragement...
Here is the link..
Paulzzz me just also compiled for you,Carlson‘s pgn.into variants depth..for example. 8moves.10moves.and 12moves openings book.
Thank you very much Karim,I tested them in DroidFish and I think the 2 bin books are correctly compiled.Good job! :)
Thank you!I could use them to practice openings of Magnus in DroidFish:)
How fast did check them?are sure ? Lol
Karim you are doing a great job with the opening books! I really appreciate your efforts :-)
You are all welcome. I'm ready in your services.
I checked many of the games in pgn format with the 2 SALC bin books that I requested and so far I found no missing moves.
I mean opening moves and games compared with the original pgn format...
Thanks Paulzzz, this will help me to better compile..
Comparing to previously compiled Tcec6 and Tcec7 books,the newly compiled books are more correct.because it reaches to 6 lines,,
Thank you Karim for updating the TCEC books.I appreciate it.Keep up the good work.Hopefully Gurcan can provide us with another TCEC pgn book.
I'm visiting this blog more than FB, still news, any reason?
Ok I think it's time for new SF again. Latest SF pls...
hi paulzzz.. after a hardwork and along time the ECO opening book you request from kvetka website is ready now.modifying of pgn file really took me hours and hours for 6 days,and finlly i compiled it to binary format ...plz check it carefully if there was any mistake just confirm it,,,i will be glade to hear such good news...thanks
here is your requested book
Hi Karim,thank you very much for converting the kvetka eco book into a polyglot book.You've made a good work.I'm still testing the opening lines in the book and I didn't find any error so far.
Regarding the SALC bin book,upon my further test I can say that the version 1 is more correct..Your books are very useful and they're installed in Droidfish and CEPA GUI's.
Thanks Paulzzz now I feel like I'm atleast somebody..lol
BTW where is everyone ? I'm visiting this blog more than FB, is everything OK?
Yes it's OK.This blog is very helpful especially to Chess aficionados like us.Me too only check my FB account sometimes as I have red the negative effects of immersing ourselves too much in social media platforms.I prefer face to face interaction with my friends and relatives and staying true to myself and not the "manicured" or fake version of people that many are doing in social media platforms.
You're now a very good polyglot book maker��
Thanx Paulzzz ,is everything OK, I meant to say since we have changed the topic to compiling opening books, no body else takes part in the subject,except you and me,
Don't know I feel like alexei and gurcan are angry to me since they have stopped new engine compiles.....what do you feel Paulzzz?
No I don't think they're angry and they have no reason to become angry lol.Mr.Gurcan as far as I know is dealing with his business which is the reason for his silence these past month(s).Alexei is preparing new engine compilations for us:)
Everything is OK.Im sure many followers of this blog benefitted from the opening book compilations of yours(especially me,Rahul and Lazar) but I think others just prefer to be silent.
Yes Paulzzz,you are right.
Thanx Paulzzz and Rahul,I'm at yours service,by the way today I found how to convert binaries back to pgn successfully. So here I have a big binary book about 12MB size,called Hannibal.bin its depth reaches upto 30 moves, what I'm planning is to convert it to pgn and then back to binary 15 moves, so what do you think about it Paulzzz? And Rahul?
Is that the HannibalBigBook.bin?Yes that is welcome Karim.Thank you very much for your services:)
Btw I saw this in Season's GitHub page:
Can the two files(basic.pgn and eco) be converted into bin books?
I mean Arasan's GitHub page:p
Hey Paulzzz I changed my mind,because an hour before I found that Hannibal big book had already a mini version by its author,
Check this too, and tell me if it was already visited by you,
This site has lots of book specially in ctg format and also bin,,there's lot of computer engines with sources, and many more materials,
Its a big lunch for a Gundy lol
paulzzz..i am login from my computer and i quickly compiled your requested basic.pgn 830 annotated to bin ,,book depth from 11moves upto 15moves.
Yes I checked out the Team Brazil's book repository for ctg and bin books:)
Wow that's fast thank you Karim!:)
Some of the links though has virus or the books not available...
Yes most of easy-share links are expired,but luckily the mediafire ones working,
Paulzzz just check this ranomi.bin if the link is working
Is this site dead? No update for months. Looks like it has come to it's end.
The link doesn't work with me.Btw,regarding the ranomi.bin books there are a lot of them at chessgod101 site...
Hopefully not...
Hello sir Alexie,
Please provide Ethereal 10.
Bye bye, I wanna get disappeared for months too...
HI Karim,the files contained in the link you gave me appeared in my Google Drive.The Ranomi book is 12 mb in size...
I tried to download the book but it seems that the link isn't responding.To my surprise I checked my Google drive and I got it there.
Hey Karim probably Gurcan is busy.Its Lazar here.cant seem to be able to log in at the moment.Hope you stick around ;-)
Hi all. I have an idea to make an app for playing with leela chess from our Android phones. As everytime opening a beowser and loading the site and going to the playing page is not very convenient or time consuming. So if we have an app to play against Leela it will be quite easy to start. If some one from here post this idea on Lc0 forum then I will be greateful.
This comment section had been silent for a while now,Sir Alexei do you have the latest compilations of Cfish and Stockfish?Thanks
Hey Paulzzz.Im guessing and hoping that everyone is just taking a break and the blog isnt dead yet.Lets hope not...
Gull chess has been updated.
Follow - www.chessdom.com/bonus/live.php
Yes Lazar I'm still optimistic that this blog is still alive.
Seems like Alexei took a long vacation, he also doesn't update anything on russian 4PDA site...
But at least armFish got an update today - https://github.com/lantonov/asmFish/tree/executables/ARM . It's slower than Alexei's arm64 cFish, but it's still a newest Fish we can get at the moment...
Hi all, where is everyone, I think I saw gurcan playing on fics, so where is Alexei?
Hi Hi Hi Hi all,
Do fast to catch up the latest laser for android.
A chess lover!
Thanks anonymous, its working and is compiled by Alexei..
Hey karim good to see you are still here ;-)
Thanks Anonymous2!
He's not our Alexei Chernakoff, but still Alexei :)
Hey lazar! Yes I'm back with a new compiled arena book called (d-grafen-v02__aeb) to polyglot from arena page http://www.playwitharena.com/?User_Files%2C_Engines:Opening_Books_%2821%29%26nbsp%3B
.... at number3
But I see no interest to share ask why?
Because since long I see no update to this blog and it seems completely dead.and I saw gurcan playing lightning chess on FICS.
His bullet elo was nearly 1800.
Yes this blog is now very quiet...so of course there is little interest in opening books etc.But for several years this blog was pretty quiet apart from posts from Gurcan.As far as Gurcan playing bullet well..why not lol.Updating a blog feels like work whilst playing is just some quick mind fun.Maybe Chesstroid will be updated sometime soon..maybe not.We will see..
Yes this blog is now very quiet...so of course there is little interest in opening books etc.But for several years this blog was pretty quiet apart from posts from Gurcan.As far as Gurcan playing bullet well..why not lol.Updating a blog feels like work whilst playing is just some quick mind fun.Maybe Chesstroid will be updated sometime soon..maybe not.We will see..
Well, he can at least post a new topic about a present winner, for example, the 19th European Individual Championship winner is GM Saric Ivan, if he has no idea what to post.
Much better than keeping quiet for months...
Hey how is you? U seems new visitor , what is important u think?
U need a help?or u Di a help?
Or do u help?
Hi,Karim it's nice to see you back,can you share with me the arena book that has been converted into polyglot?Thanks.Btw,armFish and mateFish for android has been updated...
Here's the link guys:https://github.com/lantonov/asmFish?files=1
Thank you Mr.!
Yes, I need your help and I do your help.
Hey Paulzzz same feelings here reading your kind comments
Surely I will share opening book,but let once gurcan post new posts, sharing here again is like throwing books into rivers.
Hey andysam, did u receive my email?
keep posting n keep sharing
chess engine for android
Many will find this blog interesting n useful in the future too
be hopeful
cheers 😊😊😊
Keep sharing
many are silent readers like me 😂😂😂
Hey chysiddh! You was once a good github link sharer, why are you nowadays gone in silent mode?
Back in 2017 Chesstroid was quiet in July and some thought it was dead:
AnonymousAugust 4, 2017 at 5:50 PM
No update in Chesstroid since July 2!?...
Is this blog dead now?...
Gurcan UckardesAugust 4, 2017 at 10:07 PM
No. Just a regular break before a stormy comeback. The longer the break, the heavier the comeback :-)
So perhaps there is hope still..although this time the break is 4+ months so far...
Back in 2017 Chesstroid was quiet in July and some thought it was dead:
AnonymousAugust 4, 2017 at 5:50 PM
No update in Chesstroid since July 2!?...
Is this blog dead now?...
Gurcan UckardesAugust 4, 2017 at 10:07 PM
No. Just a regular break before a stormy comeback. The longer the break, the heavier the comeback :-)
So perhaps there is hope still..although this time the break is 4+ months so far...
Hello chysiddh. Yes i agree.This blog is a real "treasure trove"
for Android chess lovers and it will continue to be so for some time..even if the blog stays quiet
In 2017 gurcan at least could type comments something about a long break, but in 2018 he don't even type a single word, now for sure I'm worried about his health, I hope he will be safe and sound, he is even disappeared from playing chess in FICS chess Server..
From more than 17000 games of three strongest chess engines Komodo,Houdini, and Stockfish9 I compiled this book, therefore I named it kom-stock-houd.
Any comment is welcomed.
Hi Karim,
It is great book.
May I get it's pgn.
Hey! I downloaded the pgn from this page (http://www.computerchess.org.uk/ccrl/404/rating_list_all.html)
Then combined them together, and compiled them to a binary book
Good morning chesstroid visitors,
Just keep it quiet, its a good idea, only let me comment and link share, anyway I think I found a book for you guys
I'm gonna share the link if it is working? inform me,
It was brought to you from chess2u page, here is a little details of the book given by its author,
avataron Mon 29 May 2017, 9:04 am
by Waldemar
Bin book made of the latest and biggest Sedat tournament SCCT XIII.
Used max-ply 200
Book size 97mb
Sorry ,here is the details
on Wed 31 May 2017, 4:03 am
by Waldemar
More 2 bin books. This time I used Cerebellum_Light 25/05 converted to polyglot book merged.
cerebellumscctxiii.bin (Base book Cerebellum.bin merged with scct13X.bin)
Lol good one karim."Just keep it quiet.."
Thank you very much for the books Karim!Good work:)
The Komodo-stock-houd.bin book is good.May you also consider making a bin book from the games of fire,deep shredder and Andscacs if you have the time?Thank you your efforts in providing polyglot books Karim.
Of course Paulzzz, but this will take abit longer because I have only a chance of two hours to work with PC, and you know here is the summer hottest weather, I'm already working on engines pgn to bring them to binaries, and how much depth of moves would it be better for update of kom-stock-houd?
I think 8-10 moves from white and black should be perfect, Karim. Thanks for your hard work friend, appreciate this :)
10-12 moves depth would be excellent.Karim thank you very much:)
Hello Paulzzz. Here I come with a new opening book, I mean I changed the Name of kom-stock-houd to EBA-2900elo, which is an abbreviated of engine book above 2900 elo, lol
Its depth is 12moves and is made of 17953 positions, here is a binary book
And here is its pgn
P.s its not only of Komodo Stockfish and Houdini games , it more than 60 engines games, check the above given pgn..
Thank you very much Karim for your effort in creating the awesome polyglot book,it will be very useful.
Soon this place gonna become filled with "cheap Viagra online" and "Boost your career for $10" advertisements. What a waste... :(
Friends there is a link of a group on what's app for andrpid chess lover if you like you can join by link below https://chat.whatsapp.com/AL3l3cdRmp4I5FP5qN9Uyn
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