
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

July 24, 2016

Chess for Android 5.2.3: Network version

Maybe i'm getting old. Yesterday i've remembered that my last post about Chess for Android had left a promise behind, about the network version of the same app.

Aart Bik has done it weeks ago but i've forgot to post it. You can download it HERE and enjoy the remote engine feature which will enable games between your Android engine vs your favorite PC engines.

A copy of the Google Play version without that network feature is also available HERE.


Unknown said...

Hi Gurcan.
Is it possible to change "default opening book" in C4a, on my own book? Did you ever tried it, using 7zip?
Aaarts book doesn't look good to me, many bad/old lines, specially for black.

Unknown said...

Impossible as far as i remember because it's embedded. But i will confirm that.

Rudy said...

Nice apk. Thanks for share

Unknown said...

Gurcan, today i received a reply from Daniel, about my request, Andscacs for android!

"I will try to do it, sure. I don't know when though.
I hope it will be soon.
Thanks again!

I believe there is hope! :)