
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

February 17, 2015

Droidfish v1.57 featuring Stockfish 6 is out now!

Peter Österlund has released a new version of ts ultimate Android GUI featuring new Stockfish 6. Droidfish is without any doubt a GUI close to perfect which lacks only a few features like winboard engines and engine-to-engine tournament management.

Although these two "tester's dream" features are available in Chess for Android by Aart Bik, as i refer in my countless posts, Droidfish is also special when it comes to use opening books in polyglot and chessbase format through a better conceived screen layout.

I must also notify that Stockfish 6, as released originally by the official site, is compiled for Arm7 and not Intel. Hopefully, Droidfish comes with Arm5 and Intel compiles too, that you can't find elsewhere.

Whenever possible, i will post these two alternative compiles of Stockfish in a separate post.

If you use Droidfish already and still didn't update it, do it at: GOOGLE PLAY

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