
"It just isn't conceivable that you can design a program strong enough to beat players like me."

January 15, 2015

Android XB engine update: GreKo 12.5.JA

GreKo is relatively old and regularly update engine developed by Vladimir Medvedev. In my RAPIDROID experiment, i had prefered to use v9.0 instead of newer versions available for two reasons: v9.8 played slightly weaker on Android and v10.0 was even weaker using only XB protocol.

From now on, we have the most recent version 12.5 ported to Android by someone i have to refer all the time here: Jim Ablett. If he keeps compiling open source engines at that speed, i fear that Rapidroid will become an obsolete garbage to referesh completely.

12.5 is supposed to be UCI/XB compatible but on Android we have to choose XB first. You may give a try with UCI first but don't expect it works.

Download GreKo: HERE

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